Friday, December 10, 2021

So great that I can't align MY photos the way I want them on my OWN blog... Oh well. It's not like anyone is reading this besides me. 

←Java is my female Catahoula/Blue Lacy and is a serious couch potato. She is not very impressed with the camera and would much rather I forget to take her picture. 

                                                                    \                                                                                                                    →
                                                             Dante is my male Catahoula/Blue Lacy and is much more curious about things, including the camera. He's very serious about his naps and if disturbed will let out a menacing growl. 

Both these furbabies of mine turned 8 on November 26, 2021.

An excerpt of a nonfiction story I wrote in school, with Dante and Java as the stars and their momma Destiny: 


                                                           🐾   Destiny, Dante and Java  🐾

        My two dogs we know are part Catahoula because their momma dog, Destiny, was one of my mom’s rescues in 2013. This almost black and very skinny dog was running up and down Harper Road, which is the highway we live off of, as my mom was going into town. She stopped and was trying to

 catch her, leading to other cars stopping. One nice man offered his lunch, some sausage, to lure the dog

 into my mom’s car – it worked. The female black and blue spotted dog was shaking and scared but

 didn’t have a mean bone in her body. My mom took her home, planning to find her a new home – she

 did, hers. My mom had a Catahoula before and loved her very much, but she died of liver failure, and it

 nearly broke my mom’s heart. So, when she took this dog to the vet the next day and was told she was

 most likely full-blooded Catahoula, it was an instant connection. There was a drawback though. The

 vet also told her, “she has a basket full of puppies.” And so she did – she delivered that basket three

 weeks later the week of Thanksgiving. Seven: four boys and three girls. Unfortunately, one of the boys

 passed away unexpectedly at twenty-four hours. I had already claimed one puppy as I’d lost two dogs

 over two years and had been without a canine companion at that time for over a year. The rest of the

 puppies we were going to give away to people we knew would give them good homes when they got

 old enough and we’d gotten them their first shots.

        We took care of them, played with them, bathed them and loved on them until they were four months old. I’d decided to keep two pups – a male and a female as I believe all critters need a playmate. The remaining four went to friends of my sister: another male/female duo went to a friend’s parents, a female went to that friend, and the last male went to a co-worker. I sent blankets and toys with each puppy and on their first birthday, I sent birthday cards. The updates we’ve had are that the single female passed away at the age of a little over two years and no one knows why; the single boy got a brother from another rescue my mom did a few years later. I can’t get any information on the male/female duo which is extremely sad for me because I had gotten very attached to that little male puppy and had a very hard time choosing between him and the male I did choose. I will forever regret letting little Sirius go to another home. My two: Dante and Java are a handful, but I love them. Spoiled rotten as they should be with toys, treats, a couch of their own, blankets and pillows, and their own dog beds.     


Doing research for a school project, I ran  across this: MY PERSONAL BLOG mentioned in an article - “100 Best Nature Blogs and Websites in 2...